

Eskadron  |  SKU: 4062427714003

Eskadron Neo Tail Guard


The Eskadron Neo Tail Guard is a versatile and protective accessory that prioritises the well-being of your equine companion. Crafted from skin-friendly neoprene, this tail guard is designed with the utmost care and consideration for your horse's comfort and safety.

One of the primary functions of the Eskadron Neo Tail Guard is to protect your horse's dock, the sensitive area at the base of the tail, from potential injury and abrasion. During transportation, horses can experience stress and discomfort, and the tail guard acts as a reliable barrier against any rubbing or chafing that might occur. Additionally, it can also be used to secure the horse's tail in place, preventing it from becoming tangled or dirty during various activities.

The underside of the tail guard is unlined neoprene, ensuring that it stays securely in place without slipping, allowing your horse to move freely without any hindrance. This feature is especially important for the horse's safety and comfort, as a securely held tail guard won't cause any irritation or discomfort.

Whether you're on the road, in transit, or simply looking to keep your horse's tail neatly bound, the Eskadron Neo Tail Guard is a reliable and skin-friendly choice that provides the utmost protection and comfort. Your horse will appreciate the thought and care that goes into keeping them safe and comfortable, allowing you to focus on enjoying your equestrian adventures.


サービス名 料金
DHL Express Worldwide ¥6,400円
DHL Express Worldwide 無料 45,000円以上の注文の場合


  • 45日間の返品ポリシー


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