

Eskadron  |  SKU: 4055377867981

Eskadron Beta 150g Turnout Rug


The Eskadron Beta 150g Turnout Rug with a Medium Neck is a high-quality option designed for comprehensive protection. With a durable 1680 Denier surface, this rug offers robust performance, complemented by WP/5.000 mm/H2O waterproofness and 4000g/m2/24h breathability for reliable weather resistance.

The comfortable fit, featuring an elastic neoprene-cut leg, ensures ease of movement for your horse. Safety is enhanced with a reflective tail flap protection, while mane neoprene padding adds extra comfort. The adjustable front closers, along with an additional front extension, provide a customised fit. With a 150g filling, this turnout rug offers moderate insulation for various weather conditions, making it a versatile and well-crafted choice for your horse.


サービス名 料金
DHL Express Worldwide ¥6,400円
DHL Express Worldwide 無料 45,000円以上の注文の場合


  • 45日間の返品ポリシー


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