

Eskadron  |  SKU: 4062427764107

Eskadron Softshell Air Sweat Rug


The Eskadron Softshell Air Sweat Rug is a high-performance and stylish choice designed for optimal comfort and breathability. Crafted from a robust and elastic softshell upper fabric, this rug provides flexibility and resilience. The material is extremely breathable, ensuring superb ventilation for your horse.

The easy-care and resistant features make it a convenient option. The softshell withers padding enhances comfort, and the contrast cord on softshell binding adds a touch of elegance. Featuring 3D embroidery on one side, the rug also includes a double breast closure with a detachable bib, detachable cross surcingles inside, and a decorative tail cord for a complete and functional design.


サービス名 料金
DHL Express Worldwide ¥6,400円
DHL Express Worldwide 無料 45,000円以上の注文の場合


  • 45日間の返品ポリシー


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